We have great news. Our business has reached new heights! You can now get any of your favorite faith & honesTee items on either the Facebook or Instagram shops. Can we say AWESOME?!?
With these new shopping platform additions, we're excited to make sure that you get your faith-inspired products in the easiest way possible. Keep in mind though that with technology comes the glitches. By that we mean, neither the Facebook or Instagram shops display ALL of our catalog. For some reason (and feel free to roll your eyes with us), both platforms have certain items marked as being against their rules... which of course, we all know they aren't. LOL But, se la vie, we do our best anyway and bring you the opportunity to get your shopping on straight from Facebook or Instagram.
If you are on Instagram follow us @faithandhonestee. We're currently growing our Instagram profile and with your help it can be amazing very soon!
On Facebook we're very near reaching 1,000 f&h family members too. If you're not already following us there, now's your chance to join our Facebook page. And don't forget to invite your family and friends to like our page too. We always post new catalog additions, new collections, and of course, SALES on our social media pages.
What's on the horizon? Google Shopping is our next venture. But that's not where we'll stop. We'll keep you posted though as we continue growing and brining more to you and yours.
With love,