God is With You

Corbin Cutter discount Fall discount God is With You Joshua one nine Scripture Share the Word

Hello faith and honesTee family,

today while I was reading the bible for my daily dosage of scripture, I was reading Joshua chapter one. Verse nine resonated with me because I feel the Lord's presence no matter where I am or what I am doing. It reads,  

God is with you wherever you go. 

This verse makes me want to grow my relationship with the Lord even further. I hope this resonates with you too so you can grow as a christian and want to connect closer with God as well.  

It also reminded me of a tee available in our shop. You can grow closer to God by not only delving into scripture, but sharing the Word as well. What a great way to share the Truth with others than by wearing this t-shirt? We absolutely love knowing that God is with us and #GodisWithYou! Get yours today with this special discount for our faith &honesTee family. Use promo code GIWY for 15% OFF your entire order for a limited time only. You can even start your Christmas shopping now, so your order is received in plenty of time. 

With love,

faith & honesTee team

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